Today marks the first month since his departure. I try not to feel guilty about going out and having fun with the kids while my husband's hunkering down during missile attacks (they had five in one night this last week). I know I've got the better end of the deal. Sure, I've got a lot on my plate, but I make sure to enjoy every second I have with my kids. We all miss him. I miss his laugh and his smile and the stupid jokes he makes. I hope he doesn't lose that part of himself while he's there. I think every military wife worries about that.
Still, I am grateful that he's relatively safe, and that we have so many praying for his safety. I'm grateful to have so many good friends who care about me and who have helped me thus far. I'm grateful for my children, who always make me laugh, and they even seem to understand and forgive me when I'm frustrated. I'm grateful for my comfortable home my husband works for and we are forced to enjoy without him. And I'm grateful for my van, and Ikea's child care, and the nursery at the YMCA. These things add to my life. I've got it good. My husband stays so busy, he frequently emails me (another wonderful thing) from eight in the morning until midnight his time, and he's learned to be content with one meal a day. I have no reason or right to complain compared to that, only reasons to be grateful and feel so absolutely blessed.
I'm also grateful to be able to make life as normal as possible for the kids. One thing we do is go to the fair whenever possible. It also makes for some great homeschooling opportunities. So, here are some of my favorite shots of the day.
The roller coaster's always a hit. |
I love this juxtaposition from almost two years ago. Same roller coaster. |
Now that Daddy's gone, Briar Rose has decided blue is her favorite color, like it is his. Normally, she's a pink girl. |
This was later in the day; nobody's cooperating for the picture, but at least they're happy. Daddy, expect to see some of these things in your next package. |
We've been doing a bird unit study for homeschool, and she'd been asking to see a peacock. I was glad they had one. This guy's plummage is probably five feet long.
Also, she wore her necklace like this all day. I don't know why, but I love that she did it. |
The fire truck ride. |
Up in the air. |
Her first solo haunted house ride. She loved it. |
Swings. Last year, they kept calling to us that this was "The best ride ever!" |
Also, I don't have it pictured, but I got a ceramic, old-style garlic grater. I saw this a year ago and wished I'd bought it then. I was thrilled and totally prepared when I saw it this year. It's a tiny ceramic plate with rough scores on it with which to grate/shred garlic, ginger, hard cheeses, and nuts. I'm totally pumped about it. Seriously.
Since the Captain's not around, though, I might have to get creative. I don't use garlic that often when I cook for the kids!