Present: Rhoda |
It's been the fastest seven months of my life! Time certainly "flies on wings of lightning." Rhoda is many things: calm and active, quiet and loud, somber and cheerful, snuggly and independent. She's also pretty hard to capture smiling because she loves to suck on her tongue, or her blanket, or her toy, or anything within reach. She does, however, scream in laughter when her sisters show off for her. So here I go, comparing all four of my kids at the same age. (And because I don't want to caption every single picture this way, please note that all the babies pictured are seven months old, give or take.)
My little Rhoda Doll, probably laughing at her sisters. |
Mira |
Liesl |
Marshall |
Same Outfit
Way back: Liesl |
Past: Mira |
(Of course this outfit was hidden in the girls' clothing when Marshall could've worn it.)
Present: Rhoda and her Daddy. |
The Evolution of Snuggles
Liesl & Mira, four years ago. |
Liesl & Marshall, two years ago. |
Liesl & Rhoda, presently. At least she's not laying on the baby anymore. |
Past: Mira (2.5 yrs), with Marshall |
Present: Mira (4.5 yrs) with Rhoda |
Present. It's hard to get a 2-year-old boy to snuggle his sister.
This is as close as it gets. |
It interesting to look through these pictures, because it's always seemed like Rhoda is Mira's baby twin. While I do think they look quite alike, I definitely see how Rhoda looks just like herself, and I'm glad for that!
What do you think?